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TIZEN 개발자 서밋 2013 in Korea The Ritz-Carlton Seoul
Seoul, Korea
November 11 - 12, 2013


Registration Fees:
-Early Bird Registration (through Thursday, October 31, Korea Standard Time) - $50
-Standard Registration (from October 31 - November 10) - $70
-On-Site Registration Fee (November 11 & 12)  - $100
-Student Registration is free.  You must provide student identification at registration or you will be required to pay the on-site attendee registration fee of $100.
-DevLab/Hackathon is free to attend.

If you are planning to attend the Tizen Hackathon in addition to the Summit, there will be an opportunity to register on the same registration form.

The DevLab/Hackathon is free to attend.

If you are a speaker or member of the media, you will need an access code to register.  Please contact us at tizensummit.korea@linuxfoundation.org.

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