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[4기 문관경 개발자] Mesa

OSS 게시글 작성 시각 2017-02-27 01:21:44
글로벌 오픈프론티어 4기
Mesa implements a translation layer between a graphics API such as OpenGL and the graphics hardware drivers in the operating system kernel
2017 년



• 주요경력
  • (2017~현재) 오픈소스 프론티어 4기
    (2016~현재)Mesa Project Contributor
    (2016) XDC (X Developer Conference ) 2016 Speaker
• 활동 커뮤니티
  • Mesa 3D / Freedesktop.org
• 전문분야
  • OpenGLES/EGL Linux Drive, X Window Manager, Wayland Display Server / Compositor



  • 프로젝트명
  • Mesa
  • 개요
  • Mesa implements a translation layer between a graphics API such as OpenGL and the graphics hardware drivers in the operating system kernel
  • 특징
  • Mesa implements a cross-language, cross-platform ( mostly on BSD and Linux distributions), vendor-neutral standard API for interfacing with diverse vendor- specific graphics hardware drivers.
  • 목표
  • Contribute Mesa Project
  • 기대효과
  • Besides 3D applications such as games, modern display servers ( X.org’s Glamor or Wayland’s Weston) use OpenGL/EGL, therefore all graphics typically go through Mesa.
  • 리퍼지토리
  • https://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa
전문개발자 프로젝트 - 번호, 제목, 분야, 조회수, 작성
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