Ext js(Sencha) 프레임워크가 LGPL인지 GPL인지 궁금합니다.
게시글 작성 시각 2015-03-09 08:54:11
만약에 Ext js 4.0버전으로 개발을 하게 될 경우 전부 소스를 공개해야 되나요?
센차홈페이지에 나온 건데 GPL이 요구된다고 나와있습니다.
Exception Intent
We want people who build extensions, developer toolkits and frameworks, language packs and themes for Sencha frameworks and libraries to be able to publicly distribute them under less restrictive license terms, even though version 3 of the GNU General Public License (the “GPL”) may require them to be licensed under the GPL.
This Exception does not grant usage or distribution of any Sencha development library under a license other than the GPL and cannot be applied to end-user applications. For applications, please refer to the Open Source License Exception for Applications.
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