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[2011 FOSS Con. Korea] 2011 FOSS 국제 컨퍼런스, 코리아 발표자료

OSS 게시글 작성 시각 2011-11-25 16:31:12 게시글 조회수 1078

2011년 11월 17일, 2011 FOSS Con, Korea 발표자료 입니다.





Session 1

FOSS in business governance and maximizing value

Shane Coughlan

Senior Advisor, FSFE

Session 2

FSFE legal and the desirable relationship between FOSS Community and Korea

Matija Suklje

Legal Coordinator, FSFE

Session 3

GPLv3 and the “ anti- TiVO ” clause

McCoy Smith

Intellectual Property Practice Group Director, Intel

Session 4

License compliance in current consumer electronics devices with focus on Android

Armijn Hemel

GM/Owner, Tjaldur SW Governance Solutions

Session 5

FOSS license compliance and license enforcement in Germany

Till Jaeger

Partner, JBB &ifross

Session 6

FOSS governance best practices

Philip Odence

VP, Black Duck Software

Session 7

Need for affirmative actions in public procurement for Free SW

Carlo Piana

General Counsel, FSFE

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