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Freeware 라이센스 문의

kjh27814 게시글 작성 시각 2017-11-20 10:22:12

안녕하세요. Freeware 라이센스에 대한 문의가 있습니다.

현재 VSPE라는 Tool에서 별도로 지원해주는 라이브러리 및 코드(API)를 사용하려고 하는데 라이센스 전문에 햇깔리는 부분이 있습니다.

1. License grant. Eterlogic.com grants Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to reproduce and use for any purposes the executable code version of the Product, provided any copy must contain all of the original proprietary notices. This license does not entitle Licensee to receive from Eterlogic.com hard-copy documentation, technical support, telephone assistance, or enhancements or updates to the Product. If more than one license agreement was provided for the Product, and the terms vary, the order of precedence of those license agreements is as follows: a signed agreement, a license agreement available for review on the Eterlogic.com website, a printed or electronic agreement that states clearly that it supersedes other agreements, a printed agreement provided with the Product, an electronic agreement provided with the Product.

2. Restrictions. Without Eterlogic.com prior written consent, Licensee may not: (i) modify or create any derivative works (VSPE API is an exception) of the Product or documentation, including customization, translation or localization; (ii) decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer ; (iii) remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols or labels in the Product.

여기서 2-(i)항목에 보면 (VSPE API is an exception)이라고 적혀 있는데,

이는 API를 자사 개발중인 프로그램에 적용해도 라이센스상 문제가 없다는 얘기인지 궁금합니다.

답변 부탁드리겠습니다. 감사합니다.

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